Saturday, November 8, 2008

Review: PlayOn Content Delivery System

MediaMall TechnologiesImage via Wikipedia

PS3 + PlayOn! = a potential multimedia powerhouse. PlayOn! by MediaMall Technologies allows users to access several major internet video content providers (Hulu, YouTube, Netflix). There's a growing number of people who do not own a DVR and don't spent $100+ a month to watch the 3% of the content provided to them from their cable company. If I can get just the content I want when I want, then the rest is just a waste. With PlayOn! it's easy to watch the movies in my Netflix Watch Now queue, or catch up on the last episode of The Office from Hulu.

The software is just getting out of its early stages of development so some bugs may arise. There were a few instances when Hulu stopped working altogher with PlayOn becuase of some API changes. The development team is very responsive to such bugs and usually patches them within a week of discovery. Users can download a 30-day-trial copy of the software at I plan on waiting until it's no longer in beta to purchase it, as long as all the bugs have been ironed out. [TheMediaMall]

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